Upcoming Projects


Global Freelancer Platform

Work remotely with ease with Nipify, connect with talent from around the world to start your new project or scale your current business. There is thousands of talented freelancers ready to fulfil your requirements Launching 2023

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Football Viral

Online Football News

Stay up to date with the latest football news from Europe and the rest of the world. Football Viral is an online news website soon to be supported with a mobile app

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Over The Reserve

Real Estate Platform

The new way to find property is here! Over The Reserve is your one stop shop real estate platform for all things property and real estate. No more using multiple platforms from buying, renting, commercial, short term stays & foreign investments.

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Pass Keep

Web Security

Internet security has never been so important, keeping your passwords and data safe is critical in 2022 and beyond. Utilise Pass Keep’s password generator to create unique and difficult passwords ensuring your info stays secure. You can rely on Pass Keep’s encryption locking things like images, credit cards and passwords in our vault

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Expense Me

Finance Partner

The finance partner you never thought you needed, Expense Me helps you budget your finances whilst suggesting additional options for you to invest in assets such as property, crypto or shares. Use our lending partners to refinance or borrow money setting you up for the future. In an extremly competitive financial market, Expense Me aims to support more Australians acheive more with their finances.

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Deli Hub

E-Commerce Store

Highly successful Deli with two key brick and mortar stores in Sydney seeking to expand into the online, e-commerce space. Deli Hub provide a unique, diverse range of high quality food items and aim to service customers throughout Australia.

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